I get such joy walking around my community and seeing all the spooky, scary Halloween decorations. Do you know what’s not actually scary, though? Moving!
Many of my clients think moving is scary, and it can be if you’re not organized and don’t have help. Here are my top 5 ways to make moving less scary at ANY time of the year:
1. Make a list
There is a LOT to do when moving into a new home. I get how scary it can feel to remember everything that needs to be done. Start making a moving checklist of everything you need to do before you move and everything that needs to be done in your new place.
If you need help making this list, I can send you a great moving checklist I use for my clients.
2. Start early
One of the scariest parts about moving is often all the work to pack and get everything done before moving day. A great tip is to start packing and decluttering early. When you’re in the early stages of listing your house, start by decluttering and packing things away (rather than shoving your belongings in a closet or garage, so your home looks tidy for open houses).
Start early and pack a little bit each day, leaving the items you regularly use for last.
3. Recycle/donate/sell
A big time waster when people pack up their homes is when they stop to reminisce. As you discover things you forgot about, you might pause to reflect on the item and what it means to you. Get help to pack things up with less emotion and make piles of items and furniture you can recycle, donate, or sell at a garage sale or estate auction. Having an objective third party helping with this can keep you on track.
4. Pack smart to unpack quickly
I find many people spend years unpacking at their new home (and some never fully unpack). This is often because the packing wasn’t well organized. When packing, each box should only contain items for one room in the new house. It should also be clearly labelled so you can quickly find the items you urgently need when you take possession of your new home.
You can also put a unique label or sticker on those important boxes you want to be unpacked first. Make sure these are the last to go in the moving truck so they’re first out at your new home.
5. Get help
Moving can be a gargantuan and scary task to undertake on your own. Have your household family members pitch in. You can also get additional help for the cleaning tasks around the home (Your Cleaning Concierge can help with that) or someone to coordinate that long scary to-do list for you.
Your Moving Concierge helps with as much or as little of your moving process as you need. Whether you need help to pack and clean your old home or unpack and wait for the internet guy to arrive at your new home, we’re here to help. We believe moving doesn’t have to be scary when you have the right help.
My team at Your Moving Concierge is here to help make moving less scary and stressful. Learn more about our moving concierge services today.
…and Happy Halloween to all!